VORTEKS2024-08-13T01:33:54+07:00Zufri Hasrudy Siregar, S.T.,M.Engjurnalvorteks@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>ISSN: <a title="ISSN cetak" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="fontstyle0">2746-9778 </span><span class="fontstyle2">(media cetak)</span></a>| ISSN: <a title="ISSN Online" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="fontstyle0">2746-976X </span><span class="fontstyle2">(media online)</span></a><br /><br />Jurnal Vorteks dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Al Azhar Medan. Artikel/karya ilmiah yang akan dimuat pada jurnal ini adalah Artikel/karya ilmiah yang berkaitan di bidang Sistem Teknik meliputi bidang Konversi Energi, Perancangan Mekanik dan Manajemen Proyek, proses Manufaktur, Material dan Sistem Produksi, Konstruksi Jalan Raya dan Air, Energi Terbarukan, Mekatronika. Jurnal ini diterbitkan 2 (dua) kali dalam satu tahun yaitu bulan Oktober dan April.</p> of the Calculation Value of Domestik Component Level (TKDN) on high-rise building projects2024-05-15T06:25:26+07:00Diah Kurniawati Ningtyasdiahkurniawati265@gmail.comI Nyoman Dita Pahang<p>Domestic products can be used to increase productivity and competitiveness in international markets. The government stipulates the use of domestic products by setting the sum of the value of the domestic component level and the weight of company benefits at 40%. Until now, there has not been much use of domestic products in the construction sector. Therefore, this study considers the value of the domestic component level in high-rise building projects to strengthen Indonesia's competitiveness in the industrial sector. In this study, the calculation method and value of the domestic component level will be analyzed along with the weight of benefits of construction service companies for multi-story building construction projects. The technique used in this study is quantitative, and it processes data such as technical specifications, cost budget plans, unit price analysis of work, and finding the percentage level of domestic material components through the Ministry of Industry website. The result obtained by this study is the percentage value of the domestic component level (TKDN) in high-rise building projects is 74.53%, the percentage value of the company's benefit weight is 3%, and the total value of TKDN and BMP is 77.53%. The conclusion obtained in this study is that the high-rise building project has met the requirements in the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2021 concerning the Procurement of Goods and Services.</p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Kurniawati Ningtyas, I Nyoman Dita Pahang Putra analysis of cast in situ slab method with half slab precast in terms of time and cost on The Kasih Ibu Surakarta Hospital construction project2024-05-15T06:26:09+07:00Agusvivia Mitasariagusviviamitas@gmail.comI Nyoman Dita Pahang Putrapahangputra@gmail.comNia Dwi<p>The development of methods / systems in the field of construction every year is increasing, so that in planning a construction building can choose the most economical, effective, and efficient method to be applied. One of them is the casting implementation method which can be done by conventional method (cast in situ) and precast method (precast). In this study, the object reviewed is the Kasih Ibu Surakarta Hospital Construction Project, where the method of carrying out floor slab casting work uses the cast in situ method which will later be carried out a comparative analysis between the cast in situ method and the half slab precast method in terms of time and cost. This study uses data in the form of shop drawing, RAB, AHSP, and data on the number of workers to be the basis for analysis between the two methods. The results of the comparative analysis of the cast in situ method and the half slab precast method in terms of time and cost obtained results for the cast in situ method plate takes 129.26 days at a cost of IDR 11,200,040,000 while for the half slab precast method plate takes 108.89 days for IDR 2,375,860,000</p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Agusvivia Mitasari, I Nyoman Dita Pahang Putra, Nia Dwi Puspitasari of potential hazards and risks of container loading and unloading activities on work at PT. Pelindo Multi Terminal2024-06-18T10:54:59+07:00Hamzah Mahendrahamzahma@gmail.comMasdania<p>HIRARC is a hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control process, which identifies potential hazards in ordinary and unusual business activities, including an assessment of potential hazards and strategies to mitigate risks. Work accidents can occur due to actions, human conditions, and mechanical factors. The research method is data analysis in the work process and container filling, then risk control of each process. The data in the hazard and risk assessment is a qualitative analysis in AS/NZS 4360:2004. 53 sources of danger were identified from 12 stages of work. The results of the risk evaluation showed a low-risk level of 32% with 18 sources of danger, a moderate risk level of 28% with 16 sources of danger, a high-risk level of 16% with 9 sources of danger, and an extreme risk level of 24% with 14 sources of danger. This study concludes that in the dismantling process there are four stages of work, namely starting from the opening of the hatch (3 sources of danger), stevedoring (20 sources of danger), cargodoring (4 sources of danger), and delivery (2 sources of danger). In the loading process, there are four stages of work, starting from receiving (6 sources of danger), cargodoring (4 sources of danger).</p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hamzah Mahendra, Masdania Zurairah, Refiza Refeiza six sigma approach to increase process cycle efficiency in palm oil processing at PT. X2024-08-09T00:54:00+07:00Riana Daeng Polewangiyudida@gmail.comMuhammad Fazrifazri@gmail.comRefizarefiza64@gmail.comZufri Hasrudy<p style="text-align: justify;">The Indonesian palm oil industry, a global leader in production, faces increasing challenges in maintaining efficiency and quality. This study aims to apply the Lean Six Sigma methodology to enhance production processes by integrating Lean Manufacturing principles with the systematic, data-driven approach of Six Sigma. Using the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) framework, the research identifies and mitigates inefficiencies in key stations of a palm oil mill. Novelty lies in the application of Lean Six Sigma to the palm oil industry, demonstrating significant improvements: a 16% increase in process cycle efficiency, a reduction of 70.5 kg in daily fresh fruit bunch (FFB) losses, and a decrease in associated costs by IDR 176,750 per day. The findings underscore the potential for continuous improvement in the industry through the systematic application of Lean Six Sigma.</p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Riana Puspita, Yudi Daeng Polewangi, Muhammad Fazri, Refiza, Zufri Hasrudy Siregar mode choice to campus study in the new normal era (case study: Al-Azhar University) 2024-08-12T23:24:35+07:00Nur Asiyahnurasiyahsembiring@gmail.comSyafrida Damanikdamanik@gmail.comRizky<p style="text-align: justify;">This research aims (1) to find out the types of transportation modes used by students in the new normal era (2) to find out the factors that influence students in choosing transportation modes in the new normal era (3) to identify the characteristics of students in choosing transportation modes in the new normal era. new normal. The method used in this research is a quantitative method with a deductive approach because the researcher tests general problems based on testing a theory consisting of variables in choosing transportation modes. Conclusions from this research were obtained The coefficient of determination (R square) is 0.612, which means the influence of the independent variables (health/environment, cost/cheap, speed, address of origin, monthly transportation costs, monthly transportation money, security, comfort, travel time, convenience, availability, pocket money per month, gender, vehicle ownership, semester, driver's license ownership) of the dependent variable (mode type) is 61.2%, it is known that the calculated F value = 3.449 with a significance level of 0.001<0.05, so it can be concluded that these variables affect the choice of transportation mode for Al-Azhar University Medan students</p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Asiyah, Syafrida Damanik, Rizky Ramadhan of the temperature of coagulation water bath on processing of the polysulfone membranes for the wastewater treatment of palm oil mill effluent with ultrafiltration process2024-08-13T01:33:54+07:00Aja Avriana Said<p>Ultrafiltration membranes include a type of porous membrane with a porous size order between 0.01 – 0.1 ?m. The size of the small pores can be made phase inverse. Ultrafiltration is used to separate macromolecules and colloids from their solutions. The ultrafiltrated membrane has an asymmetrical structure with a denser upper layer (the porous size is smaller than the lower surface porosity), so the hydrodynamic retention will be larger. The objective of this study is to optimize the regular coagulation tub on the 19% PSf membrane manufacturing process with DMF solvent and to optimise the performance of the optimum PSF membrane in the processing of liquid waste of the PKS (palm coconut plant) with the ultrafiltration process. In the membrane performance testing process, the materials and tools used are polysulfonic polymers with dimethylformamide (DMF) solvents, whereas the instruments used are a set of ultrafiltration modules consisting of a centrifugal pump, ultra-filtration cell, pressure gauge, barrel, permeation tank, feed tank, and hose. This phase of the study starts with membrane preparation, SEM analysis, initial analysis of PCS liquid waste sample, 19% membrane operation performance test with coagulation bath temperature variable 40; 50; 60 C and adjusting pressure with variation 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 Psi, then determining membrane performance test which is permeability, flow, and rejection coefficients. The results obtained from this study show that a 19% PsfDMF membrane with a coagulation bath temperature of 50 C is the membrane that has the most optimum performance used for the POME wastewater treatment</p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aja Avriana Said Said