Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal rights, and Informed Consent

Policies on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal rights, and Informed Consent

Conflict of Interest Policy

Authors, reviewers, and editorial board members involved in the submission, review, and publication process for the Java Nursing Journal are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the objectivity or integrity of their contributions. Conflicts of interest may include financial relationships, personal affiliations, or other situations that might compromise impartial judgment. Authors must provide a statement of disclosure in their manuscripts, reviewers are expected to declare any conflicts before reviewing a manuscript, and editorial board members must disclose any relevant conflicts during their tenure. The journal's editorial team will assess disclosed conflicts and take appropriate measures, including recusal if necessary, to ensure the fair and unbiased evaluation of submissions.


Human and Animal Rights Policy

Authors submitting manuscripts reporting on studies involving human subjects must affirm that their research has been conducted in accordance with ethical principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki. Authors should provide details of the ethical approval obtained from relevant institutional review boards or ethics committees. Manuscripts describing experiments on animals must adhere to internationally recognized guidelines, such as those provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Authors must state that proper ethical approval was obtained, and the welfare of animals was considered. The journal is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards regarding human and animal research and will not consider manuscripts that violate these principles.


Informed Consent Policy

Authors are required to ensure that informed consent has been obtained from human subjects participating in their research. Details regarding the informed consent process, including how consent was obtained and documented, should be clearly outlined in the manuscript. Authors should respect the privacy and autonomy of individuals participating in their studies. In cases where identifying information is included in the manuscript, authors must obtain explicit consent from the individuals concerned. If a study involves vulnerable populations, such as minors or individuals with impaired decision-making capacity, special attention must be given to obtaining appropriate consent. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in rejection or retraction of the manuscript. Java Nursing prioritizes the protection of human research subjects and emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations in all research involving human participants