Soil investigation dutch penetration test implementation of North Sumatra Polda Flat Houses


  • Diana Suita Civil Engineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering and Computer, Universitas Harapan
  • Johan Oberlyn Simanjuntak Civil Engineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Muhammad Yusuf Parlagutan Lubis Civil Engineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering and Science Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
  • Simon Petrus Simorangkir Civil Engineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Asahan



SPT, DCPT, Flats House, Bearing Capacity


From the results of drilling tests with machine drills, standard penetration tests (SPT), and DCPT or sondir tests, several conclusions can be taken as follows: 1). The results of boring tests show that the soil layer has medium soil consistency at a depth of 0 - 9.85 meters with NSPT value 10 – 30. 2). The soil layer consists of sandy clay, fine sand pumice stone, and fine sand. 3). Test results for the depth of solid soil at a depth of 18.6 – 19.00 meters. 4. The cone tip resistance at point S-01 is 200 kg/cm2 and S-02 is 173 kg/cm2 5). Calculation of the vertical Bearing  Capacity (Qi) of the pile foundation from SPT data using a safety factor for tip penetration resistance = 3, for sticky resistance used  = 5. 6). For large construction loads using deep foundations, it is necessary to check to a depth of > 10 meters or attain  NSPT 60 in a row 3 times


